Nicole Migdon Nicole Migdon

Apply to be a Guest on Mind Over Mom Podcast

Hey there, our anxious mom friends!

Think you've got a story worth sharing on Mind Over Mom? We'd love to hear from you! Here's the lowdown on how to apply:

  1. Shoot Us an Email: Drop us a line at and let us know you're interested in being a guest. Don't worry, we don't bite (unless it's snack time and someone steals our chocolate).

  2. Introduce Yourself: Tell us all about you! Who are you? What do you do when you're not wrangling kiddos? Give us the scoop on what makes you, well, YOU.

  3. Share Your Expertise: We're all about supporting each other on this wild ride called motherhood. How can your experiences, knowledge, or perspective help our community? Whether you're a parenting pro or just have some hilarious tales from the trenches, we want to hear it all!

Remember, there's no such thing as a "perfect" mom here—just a bunch of imperfect ones doing our best. So don't be shy, mama! Drop us a line and let's chat about how you can join us on the podcast.

Can't wait to hear from you!

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